🌳 Between year 2010 and 2022 it is documented that net total 24,751 (or gross total 104,814) trees are lost in Munich!
🌳 To compare with the amount of total 104,814 trees lost in Munich in just 10 years: New York Center Park has about 18,000 trees; London Royal Parks has about 170,000 trees.
🌳 The majority of lost trees are from private land.
🌳 Despite lacking public tree register from Munich, trees can be detected from aerial images and a tree canopy map can be created automatically. Comparing two canopy maps from different years can find out where those lost tree were.
🌳 Most of lost trees are due to construction projects. The major hotspots of missing trees (between 2017 and 2022) can be found in the following map.
🌳 Most of trees in Munich can be found in the English Garden, in Schloss Nymphenburg, near the river Isar and in some urban forest around city outskirts. On the other hand city centre and areas with farm fields have fewer trees.
🌳 Untergiesing-Harlaching and Schwabing-Freimann are the most “greenest” districts; Maxvorstadt and Schwanthalerhöhe districts has the least trees in average.
🌳 The following graphic from a climate analysis report published in 2014 shows surface air temperature on a sunny summer day in Munich. It has definitely some correlation to tree cover density.
🌳 With a very rough estimation (of tree crowns) from available aerial images there are at least 1 million trees in Munich. 🤔 For comparison: both InnovationLab IT-Referates München and research project Ökosystemleistungen des Urbanen Forsts estimates around 1.6 million trees in Munich on the basis of much superior aerial images.
💬 background story
🔥 powered by Urban-Tree project